GPS Coordinates:
Latitude: 42.6056173
Longitude: -75.1234491
From I-88: Exit 13 at Oneonta, North 11 miles on Hwy. 205 to CR 11B in Mt. Vision, West 1/2 mile on CR 11B to CR 11. Proceed north 3 miles to CR 14. Turn left and follow signs next 2 miles to campground.
From Cooperstown: Proceed 2 miles South on Hwy. 28 to Index, NY, Turn right on CR 11 and proceed 8 miles to CR 14, Turn right onto CR 14 and proceed 4 miles. Follow signs to campground.
From I-90: Exit 30 Herkimer. Follow State Rt. 28S through Richfield Springs and continue on 28S to State Rt. 80 / State Rt. 205. Make right onto State Rt. 80 go 1-1/2 miles and left onto State Rt. 205S for 6 miles. Right onto CR 11 in Hartwick for 3 miles to CR 14, proceed 4 miles. Follow signs to campground.